Edith Rapo (geborene Stadlmeier) (M.Sc.)

Office hours

by appointment 


+49 6341 280-35651



Room 3.1.04 (3rd floor)

Ostbahnstraße 10

76829 Landau

I am currently working on my PhD thesis, which addresses the correction of negative expectations in people with depressive symptoms. Parallel, I'm in training to become a licensed psychotherapist (CBT).

Academic Education

Since October 2019

Postgraduate Training in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Weiterbildungsstudiengang in Psychologischer Psychotherapie (WiPP), Landau

October 2017 - September 2019

Master of Science, Psychology (Profile of studies: Clinical Psychology), Grade: 1,0 (very good)
Thesis: „The impact of negative affect and cognitive immunization on expectancy change after positive feedback and the moderating role of rumination“
University of Koblenz-Landau, Landau

September - December 2017

Psychological Science
University of Limerick (Ireland)

 October 2014 - September 2017Bachelor of Science, Psychology, Grade: 1,3 (very good) Thesis: „The impact of anger and sadness on moral rigor“ University of Koblenz-Landau, Landau
October 2013 - February 2014

Veterinary Medicine
Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich


Professional Experience

Since April 2021Psychotherapist in training
University outpatient clinic, WiPP, Landau
 Since January 2021Doctoral student - Research focus: Correction of negative expectations in patients with depressive symptoms 
University of Koblenz-Landau, Pain and Psychotherapy Research Lab, Landau
October 2019 - December 2020Psychotherapist in training - Treatment of psychosomatic disorders
Psychosomatische Fachklinik Celenus, Schömberg
September - November 2018

Intern - Marriage, partnership and family counselling
Ehe-, Familien- und Partnerschaftsberatungsstelle e.V., Karlsruhe

February - April 2018

Intern - Treatment of affective disorders
Klinik für Psychiatrie und psychotherapeutische Medizin des städtischen Klinikums, Karlsruhe

June 2017 – September 2019

Volunteer - Prevention work for addictive disorders
Psychosoziale Beratungs- und Behandlungsstelle der Diakonischen Suchthilfe Mittelbaden, Karlsruhe

April - June 2017Intern - Counselling and treatment of addictive disorders
Psychosoziale Beratungs- und Behandlungsstelle der Diakonischen Suchthilfe Mittelbaden, Karlsruhe
August - September 2016Intern - Cross-disorder treatment of psychiatric and psychosomatic disorders
Tagesklinik für Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie des Pfalzklinikums, Kaiserslautern
April - July 2016

Tutor for statistics
Zentrum für Diagnostik, Methoden und Evaluation der Universität Koblenz-Landau, Landau

April - July 2014

Intern - Treatment of psychosomatic disorders
Psychosomatische Fachklinik für medizinische Rehabilitation Celenus, Bad Herrenalb

January - April 2014

Intern - Treatment of addictive disorders
Rehaklinik für medizinische und soziale Rehabilitation für Drogen- und Mehrfachabhängige, Freiolsheim


Correction of expectations in patients with depressive disorders
Experimental psychopathology (with a special focus on depressive disorders)