Prof. Dr. Gerhard Reese

Head of Research Group

Fortstraße 7
Building: H
Room: 314
76829 Landau

Office hours

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Additional Information:
on appointment

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Director of the B.Sc. Programme“Mensch und Umwelt: Psychologie, Kommunikation, Ökonomie” [Humans and their environment: Psychology, Communication, Economy]


SciPort RLP


Curriculum Vitae

Since September 2016: Professor of Environmental Psychology (W2), University of Koblenz-Landau

April 2016 – September 2016: Interim Professor of Environmental Psychology (W2), University of Koblenz-Landau

November 2014 – April 2016: Post-Doc at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Seit März 2014: Research Associate at the University of Leipzig

Oktober 2012 – Februar 2014: Lecturer, University of Luxemburg

2010: PhD in Psychology

2006: M.Sc. in „Group Processes and Intergroup Relations“, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK

Climate CV
Research and Teaching